1 When will I have to start paying to use the MOL Plugee chargers?

You will need to pay to use our electromobility service from xxxxx 2019.

2 Why do we need to pay for charging?

Setting up and operating the requisite infrastructure incurs considerable costs so we would not be able to improve our network if the service were kept free.

3 How does one charging session costs?

At the moment, you can purchase units of charging. Normal AC charging is xxx eur and high- power DC charging is xxx eur.

4 How can I pay for charging?

You can find a clear overview of the process here click here for details.

5 What happens if I have purchased the service but the charging is somehow interrupted before reaching a 100% charge?

In these cases you can, of course, resume charging. Please let our on-site assistants know and they will take the necessary steps in consultation with Customer Services.

6 Where can I ask questions or report any problems?

Please, let the assistant at the station know about the problem, they will help you.

7 What types of connectors and levels of output are available for the service?

All the charging posts we installed feature 1 CCS, 1 CHAdeMO and 1 Type 2 connector. The rated output is 22kWh for normal (AC) charging and 50kWh for high-power (DC) charging.

8 For what vehicle models can be the charger used?

Naše nabíjacie stanice sú prispôsobené pre všetky elektromobily určené pre európsky trh, ktoré boli vyrobené po roku 2019.

9 I have an Opel Ampera; will I be able to charge it?

Môže sa stať, že adaptér Type 2, dodaný výrobcom v príslušenstve, nebudete môcť použiť. Dôvodom je skrátený kolík adaptéra z dôvodu bezpečnosti. Výrobca odporúča pre tento typ auta používať normálnu nabíjačku AC a jeden z kratších kolíkov adaptéra zabraňuje omylu pri výbere nabíjačky.

10 Do you hear strange, seemingly abnormal noises or a loud, fan-like sound coming from the charger and don’t know what to do?

If this happens, we would be grateful if you would report it to our assistants at the station. It is also worth noting that the charger’s cooling fans may start up during normal operation. They emit a clearly audible noise which is a part of normal operation so, in such cases, the charging session should not be interrupted and the emergency stop button should also not be used.

11 What does AC charging mean?

AC charging means ‘alternating-current’ charging. Due to the low capacity of the inverters built into vehicles, there are very few cars that are able to use its full output. They are usually capable of delivering an output below 50kW, their standard output being 22kW; however, some car models (e.g. Renault), are able to reach higher electricity input levels using AC as well.

12 How long does AC charging take?

It depends on the battery’s capacity and its level of charge. Current statistics show that it takes 1 to 1.5 hours for our customers to charge their cars in one sitting.

13 What does DC charging mean?

DC charging means ‘direct-current’ charging. Chargers with a capacity over 40kW are called ‘fast chargers’. These are usually direct-current (DC) chargers.

14 How long does DC charging take?

It depends on the battery’s capacity and its level of charge. Current statistics show that it takes 25 to 35 minutes for our customers to charge their cars in one sitting.

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